Work With Steve

Complete the brief questionnaire below and you’ll be offered an opportunity to schedule a 30 minute strategy session with me directly. Together we’ll discuss the challenges you’re facing and explore how I can help you take them on an win big in business.

By completing the questionnaire below…

I’m committed to having an open confidential discussion about this business, my goals and objectives and the challenges I (we) face and earnestly explore viable ways to shift the odds in our favor.
Please be thorough. I give preference to the applications that are thorough and complete.
First Name:
Last Name:
Day-time Phone Number:
(include country code if outside the U.S.)
Skypename (must if not US):
Best Email:
Name of your business:
How long have you been in business?
Last Fiscal Years Gross Revenue:
Year To Date Gross Revenue:
Annual Growth Percentage:
Number of Employees:
What is your primary industry?
What is/are your product(s) or service(s)?
How does your product or service help your customer?
What are your primary growth opportunities?
What are the biggest challenges facing you and/or your business today?
What have you budgeted to invest in growing your businesses this year?
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your success aspirations?
What is the best day & time to contact you (include your time zone)?